Your Support Network
- Do you have friends and family who will support you during the divorce?
- Do you need to find a therapist or mental health provider?
- Will you lose friendships because of their connection with your spouse?
- Who will you rely on for level-headed advice?
Your Living Situation
- Where will you live during the divorce?
- Where will your spouse live?
- Can you afford rent or a mortgage?
- Will you and your spouse both want to remain where you are?
Your Finances
- Can you support yourself financially without your spouse?
- Can your spouse support themselves financially?
- What changes to your budget will you need to make?
- Do you know what bank accounts, investments, retirement accounts you both own?
- What is your credit score?
- Have you opened your own separate checking and savings account?
- How are community expenses, such as the mortgage, insurance, car loan, utilities, etc., going to be paid while the divorce is pending?
Your Online Accounts and Devices
- Do you have linked or shared online accounts?
- Are you and your spouse on a shared phone plan?
- What passwords do you need to change in order to ensure your privacy?
- What accounts do you both have access to? (Banking, Amazon, Paypal, Investment, Venmo, etc.).
- Are your email and social media accounts private and secure?
- Should you disable your social media accounts?
Read more about the Divorce process.