Search: “Custody”

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Outkast, Ms. Jackson, and Custody Terminology in Arizona

Outkast, Ms. Jackson, and Custody Terminology in Arizona   Outkast’s 2000 song, Ms. Jackson, is all about child ‘custody’. As […]

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What is Custody?

In a broad sense, custody means “legal decision-making and parenting time.” But more specifically, the term “custody” is actually no […]

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Why did Arizona change what “child custody” means?

In 2012, the Legislature changed the meaning of the term,  custody because they were concerned too many people fighting for custody did […]

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Top 5 Things to Know About Child Custody in Arizona

Top 5 Things to Know About Child Custody in Arizona 1. There are four parts of every child custody case. […]

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I live in Arizona, but child lives in another state. Nothing has ever been filed in Court. Can I file in Arizona to get custody?

It depends. For Arizona to have jurisdiction over custody, it has to be the home state of the child. That […]

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Top 5 Things to Consider for Custody Parenting Plan Exchanges

Top 5 Things to Consider for Custody Parenting Plan Exchanges Every parenting plan must include a plan for how exchanges […]

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What is Arizona Custody Public Policy?

A.R.S. § 25-103(A) requires judges to apply the custody provision in a way that promotes strong families and strong family values. […]

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Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)

[…] of laws that determines which state has jurisdiction over a child custody proceeding. Every state but Massachusetts has adopted the UCCJEA.

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How do the courts decide custody cases?

The best interests of the child are the standard under which the Court determines all matters relating to the child….

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What is decided in a custody case?

Broadly speaking, legal decision-making, parenting time, and child support.

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For child custody, is Arizona a “Mother’s state”?

No. Arizona is a gender-neutral state, meaning it does not favor one parent over the other because of gender.

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What do the Arizona courts try to achieve in a custody case?

In an ideal world, judges are trying to create a situation where both parents are equally involved, and the child…

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